Mecha Banelings gain increased attack damage for each point of Egonergy remaining when they explode.Mecha Zerglings gain 100% increased attack speed at the cost of Egonergy.Unlocks the following upgrades at the Mecha Spawning Pool and the Mecha Baneling Nest: Mecha Zergling & Mecha Baneling Upgrade Cache Gary gains the ability to overcharge a Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetellite configuration. Configuration, which regenerates Egonergy for Stetmann's units and energy for allied units. Stetmann's Mecha units utilize Egonergy, which does not regenerate on its own. Structures that unlock units are limited to 1. Stetmann can deploy Stetellites, which grant passive Stetzone enhancements.